Treatments for Neck Pain and Neck Disc Problems
For effective neck pain treatment, it is important to consult a medical doctor. Treatments for conditions such as bulging or herniated neck discs generally include a range of options, from over-the-counter (OTC) pain medications to more invasive surgical procedures. Each approach aims to alleviate pain, restore function, and improve quality of life.
Here at The Head and Neck Centers of Excellence, we recommend treatment via our exclusive non-surgical A.S. Remodeling Protocol®.

Symptoms of Neck Pain and Neck Disc Problems
Neck and head pain can be symptoms of other dangerous conditions, including bulging discs and herniated neck discs. Symptoms of bulging discs in the neck, as well as symptoms of herniated neck discs, include:
- Headaches
- Muscle weakness
- Stiffness
- Regular pain
- Tingling
- Numbness
It is important to note that some people who have bulging discs may not notice any symptoms at all!
Causes of Neck Pain and Neck Disc Problems
Neck pain can be caused by poor posture or it can be brought on as a result of a bad accident. Age is also known to play a role in neck disc problems. A stiff neck headache, on the other hand, can be a result of stress and tension. Some neck disc problems are more severe than others, so it pays to investigate the causes and have your neck pain treatment done by a medical professional.
Enjoy Chronic Neck Pain Treatment for a Pain-Free Life
Don’t let neck pain hold you back any longer. Contact The Head and Neck Centers of Excellence today to schedule your consultation and explore our advanced, non-surgical neck pain treatment options.